Airmail Data is a program created jointly by two French
companies : and LEG-2.COM,
each respectively managed by David Alonso and Luc Larrieu-Sans.

David Alonso

David Alonso

March 2000, he was recruited by Amazon as Web developper.
Trained in Seattle, he met Jeff Bezos and participated in the launch of the French version
of the American giant ...

In 2008, he proposed a new tool for managing and generating AIRWAYBILLS for
LA POSTE Roissy Hub.

Consultant for many brands (FIAT, Sony Ericsson, INSEP, Jardiland, Versailles CCI...),
in 2016 he discovered the world of purchasing and decided to create, he developed an efficient purchasing management program in SaaS mode
for all types of franchisors.

In 2019, he was contacted by Luc Larrieu-Sans, former director of international transport at La Poste to jointly create the Airmail Data program.

Luc Larrieu-Sans has started his career in the airline industry, being the station manager of AOM French Airlines in Paris CDG, Sydney and Nassau. In 2003, he joined La Poste, the French postal designated operator, with the responsibility of managing the international transport activity of this group. He brought his high interest for the cargo industry to enhance the international logistic capabilities of La Poste. Aligning as much as he can the mail with the general cargo processes is one of his permanent challenges.

Being an active member of the Future of Mail by Air (FOMBA) initiative led by the International Post Corporation (IPC), his main task was to help his organization to move from a simple transport model to a global and integrated logistic process to prepare the boom of the e-commerce, in a deep collaboration with airlines and ground handling partners. In 2013, he helped La Poste to become an IATA cargo accredited agent, opening new business opportunities for his organization.

Between 2017 and 2020, he represented La Poste Group at the UPU Transport Group and at the UPU Standard Board.

On April 16th, 2020, he launched his own company LEG-2.COM, aiming to bring consultancy and IT services to posts, airlines and other industry stakeholder to build up a bridge between the mail and the air cargo environments.

Luc Larrieu-Sans